Charles Zhu

Data Scientist

City of Toronto

chenchong.zhu AT  •

About Me

I’m a research analyst in the Big Data Innovation Team of the City of Toronto Transportation Services, working at the intersection of urban planning and data science.

My background is astrophysics. I completed my PhD thesis at the University of Toronto Astronomy Department with Marten van Kerkwijk on whether two white dwarf stars colliding together can set off an explosion. Following graduation, I worked as a postdoc to develop radio telescope data analysis software for the Department’s pulsar astronomers, and helped create a deep learning-based impact crater detector with its planetary scientists. I transitioned into data science through the Insight Data Science Toronto program.

Aside from work and research, I’m an avid amateur photographer, occasional digital painter, and a public outreach facilitator with


Here’s a selection of projects I’ve had the pleasure to be part of. For a full list of my publications, please see my ArXiv page.


WebApp for photography viewpoint discovery

Toronto & Ontario Open Data

Analytics with Toronto and Ontario open data


Convolutional neural network for detecting craters on the Moon


Python package for decoding and converting radio telescope data

White Dwarf Mergers

Computer simulations of the outcome of merging white dwarf stars


Please feel free to reach out to me!