Data Scientist
City of Toronto
chenchong.zhu AT  •
I’m a research analyst in the Big Data Innovation Team of the City of Toronto Transportation Services, working at the intersection of urban planning and data science.
My background is astrophysics. I completed my PhD thesis at the University of Toronto Astronomy Department with Marten van Kerkwijk on whether two white dwarf stars colliding together can set off an explosion. Following graduation, I worked as a postdoc to develop radio telescope data analysis software for the Department’s pulsar astronomers, and helped create a deep learning-based impact crater detector with its planetary scientists. I transitioned into data science through the Insight Data Science Toronto program.
Aside from work and research, I’m an avid amateur photographer, occasional digital painter, and a public outreach facilitator with
Here’s a selection of projects I’ve had the pleasure to be part of. For a full list of my publications, please see my ArXiv page.
Please feel free to reach out to me!